When is the best age to take newborn photos?
I’m often asked about the best time to take newborn photographs. The short answer is "it depends”. For some types of newborn photography, such as posed portrait sessions like this, taking pictures 5-10 days after birth is highly encouraged. At this age, newborns are more likely to stay asleep and curl up into "womblike" poses. But since my newborn style is more natural and lifestyle in approach, there's more flexibility in terms of timing. I take a combination of documentary/true-to-life shots along with some "baby-led" poses (e.g. arms outstretched and yawning, or baby swaddled in a favourite blanket in mom's arms). While it can be helpful to have the baby sleep for the session, it's not something I stress about, nor is it critical to the session's success.
So all things being equal, I will usually suggest that clients take newborn photos within the first two weeks of life when the baby is at its tiniest and newest. Babies change so fast, so it can be nice to capture them at this unique stage. But I'm also more than happy to schedule older newborn sessions. In fact, there can be some advantages to waiting: it gives mom and dad a little more time to adjust to the craziness of new parent life before getting in front of a camera, plus older newborns are often more likely to make eye contact.
Here are pictures from two newborn sessions: one with a younger newborn and other with an older newborn.
1 week old newborn

3 week old newborn